Monday, October 29, 2012

My Checklist to Prepare for Hurricane Sandy

I wanted to share some information with you that my family and I are finding useful during this severe weather.

You can closely monitor the storm's path, using local radio and television or online reports and pay close attention for Emergency Alert System (EAS) messages that carry local emergency orders, such as evacuation or travel restrictions. The best way to receive emergency information is to subscribe to NY-ALERT, the State's alert and notification system. Visit and sign up for free today.


There is also an extremely informative State website, which contains critical information regarding the storm and instructional information about how we can best prepare ourselves in case the worst predictions turn out to be accurate.


Here’s a checklist of things that I have personally done to keep my family and home safe during Sandy… you can, too!

Have food and emergency supplies in your home

·  Keep a three-day supply of food and water for every member of your family. The same applies if you have pets. One gallon of water per person per day is recommended. Canned foods or dehydrated foods are a good choice.

·  Flashlights and extra batteries. Keep these in several rooms in the house.

·  Keep a portable radio with extra batteries so you can listen to the weather report in case telephone and cable lines are damaged by storms.

·  Keep all of your important documents (birth certificates, Social Security cards, etc.) in a waterproof container.

·  Keep a first aid kit and make sure all members of your family know where it is.

·  Have extra sets of your home and car keys.

·  Keep tools like wrenches to turn off gas and water supplies if needed.


Discuss emergency plans in advance with your family

·  Phone lines in your area might be damaged during severe storms. If you have friends or relatives who live outside of your area, designate them as the people for all your family members to contact if you get separated.

·  Discuss with your family where you will go if you are told by authorities to evacuate the area.


Prepare by removing potentially dangerous objects outside

·  Remove damaged or diseased branches on trees near your house.

·  Take in all lawn furniture and other objects that could potentially damage windows or walls of your house.