The Governor has asked the Legislature to stay in Albany rather than returning to their home district offices this week to resolve the NYS budget. Please contact your NYS Assembly members and NYS Senator to support the Medicaid Redesign Team's budget recommendations which include comprehensive medical liability reforms, innovative programs to improve medicaid waste, and careful regulation to control costs. You can support the MRT recommendations (as your doctor has) by clicking here or on the link below. If you've already sent a letter or email, please CALL your legislators Albany offices today to keep this issue top of mind. The message is clear. MRT recommendations are good for New York, for our doctors, our hospitals, and our patients. It is a package deal and should not be dissected and dismantled.
We could have meaningful Medical Liability Reform in New York State by April 1st, or even by this weekend, but only if we act, in great numbers, to show support for redesigning the medicaid system now.